Along with everything else that Google released today, which includes Circles integration everywhere you could imagine, the Google+ Photos team announced a new feature called “Find My Face”.
Tagging photos, or tagging anything for that matter, is one of the most time-consuming functions of using a social network. Over the next few days, you’ll be able to allow other Google+ users to be prompted when a photo they upload matches your face.
Here’s what Matt Steiner, Engineering Lead on the Google+ Photos team had to say about the feature:
Around the holidays, many of us get together with friends and family, and if you’re like me, you take lots of photos! Tagging those photos can be a lot of work. So today we’re launching Find My Face, an easier way to tag photos of yourself and your friends.
By turning on Find My Face, Google+ can prompt people you know to tag your face when it appears in photos. Of course, you have control over which tags you accept or reject, and you can turn the feature on or off in Google+ settings. (
Find My Face will be rolling out over the next few days. We hope this makes tagging your photos much easier, so try it out! And as always, keep the feedback coming.
The feature isn’t in place yet, and neither are the security controls but this is what it will look like once it’s rolled out to everyone:
Screen shot 2011 12 07 at 3.30.43 PM 520x209 Find My Face will help people on Google+ tag you in drunk photos

With this type of technology, it will be a way better experience to upload hundreds of photos from a party where you might not remember who everyone is. Remember that guy sitting in the corner? Nah, me neither. Now thanks to Find My Face, you could remember who that gent was, and show the world exactly how sad he looked at the party.
Screen shot 2011 12 07 at 12.54.07 PM 520x327 Find My Face will help people on Google+ tag you in drunk photos

All kidding aside, this is a great feature, and especially one that makes Google+ Photos more useful. The other thing that continually makes me happy is that Google has stopped referring to it as “Picasa”.